Annual Review of Competency Progression



The Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP)' is a formal and mandatory review of a DIT's progress.   anels are convened by the GP School to review the evidence submitted by you in your e-portfolio and make a recommendation to the RCGP certification unit about satisfactory completion of training.

All DiTs are required to have an ARCP for every year in training, whether working full or less than full time.

Prior to the ARCP (within 8 weeks but no later than 2 weeks of your ARCP panel date), you are required to have an Educational Supervisor's report to review progress and to plan subsequent training. It is the DiT's responsibility to check their portfolio for the date of the ARCP and ensure all requirements are completed as per the above deadlines.  If you are out of sync and unsure about your ARCP then please contact a member of the team. 

ARCP panels review all aspects of your portfolio and give an outcome based on a judgment about your progress. Panel outcomes will appear on the portfolio and you are required to accept the ARCP form. Panels are made up of a minimum of 3 members who may include GP educators, RCGP representatives, lay members, and representatives of employers. If your progress is satisfactory the panel may wish to give formative feedback, this will appear in the educators’ notes section of the e-portfolio.

It is the DiT’s responsibility to provide the required evidence in a timely manner for both the ESR and ARCP panel. If you have not provided sufficient evidence, you may receive an Outcome stating the action(s) and timescale to correct the deficiency.

If your evidence suggests unsatisfactory progress you will be awarded an Outcome stating the action(s) and timescale to provide further evidence.

You will also be contacted by e-mail by a member of the GP School admin team. Please ensure that you take the necessary action within the time required or contact the GP School as soon as possible if there any problems.

If your progress is deemed to be not satisfactory by either your Educational Supervisor or the panel, you may be asked to attend in person to be given verbal feedback of the panel’s decision and the action required.

If you wish to request a review of a panel decision, please e-mail for the attention of the Head of School giving your reasons. This will be treated as an informal appeal and we may request the panel who made the original decision to review the outcome.

If you are not satisfied with the review or you have received an outcome 3 (extension) or 4 (removal from programme) you will be notified of the formal appeals process.



Documents with the preparation requirements prior to panels are available to download here.

How to avoid an Outcome 5


Work Place Based Assessments (WPBA)

As of August 2022, all DiTs are required to follow the new WPBA.  Full details can be found HERE


TIS Self Service & Form R


NHS England uses TIS Self Service (TSS) for all DiTs undertaking ARCPs, and this is where you will need to complete your Form R. For an introduction to the system, please click HERE


A guide to using TIS SS and completing your From R can be found HERE


RCGP Safeguarding Requirements


Please familiarise yourself with the RCGP Safeguarding requirements. You can find links and FAQs below:

The RCGP safeguarding page is here -

If you have any questions please discuss them with your Educational Supervisor or your Training Programme Director.


Appealing your ARCP decision

For further information please select HERE  


If you have a query regarding ARCPs and you cannot find the answer on our FAQ  or through speaking with your Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director, please contact the GP Team on