North West School of Surgery - Information and Resources for Doctors in Postgraduate Surgical Training

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North West School of Surgery

Information and Resources for Doctors
in Postgraduate Surgical Training Programmes


For information about individual specialties within the North West School of Surgery, please click on the links in the menu on the right hand side (or towards the bottom of the page if viewing this page on a mobile device).


Enhancing Supervision for Postgraduate Doctors in Training

pdf icon Enhancing Supervision for Postgraduate Doctors in Training

pdf icon Standards in Supervision

pdf icon Enhancing Supervision for Postgraduate Doctors in Training – Handbook


Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

Please see the School of Surgery ARCP pages for further information.


Best Practice

pdf icon BMJ & HEE - Best Practice for Junior Doctors flyer


Bullying and Harassment

external link icon The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh: Anti-Bullying and Undermining Campaign - including an online e-module. This emodule guides you through the facts, identifies the problem and suggests ways of managing our own behaviour in order to change the surgical culture. CPD accredited. RCSEd online account holders can access the emodule by logging in with your RCSEd account here. Non-RCSEd online account holders will first need to register to create an online RCSEd account here. Once you have registered, you can then log in to complete the emodule with your new RCSEd account here.

The Lead Employer's Respect and Dignity at Work policy can be downloaded from Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust's Lead Employer 'Policies and Forms' page (formerly St Helens and Knowsley Teahcing Hospitals NHS Trust).


Care of Private (non-NHS) Patients and Working in non-NHS Settings

pdf icon NHS England Guidance on the involvement of postgraduate medical, dental and pharmacy trainees in the care of private (non-NHS) patients and working in non-NHS settings


CCT, CESR and the Combined Programme - Pathways to entry on the GMC's Specialist Register

pdf icon CCT, CESR and the Combined Programme - A guide to the routes of entry on the GMC’s specialist register for doctors starting specialty training in NHS England North West

Please also see information on the JCST website and the GMC website.


Checklist for Supervisor Meetings with Doctors in Postgraduate Training

pdf icon Example of a checklist for Educational and Clinical Supervisors when meeting with doctors in postgraduate training


Clinical Supervision of Doctors in Postgraduate Training at Out-Patient Clinics

pdf icon COPMeD: Doctors in postgraduate training and clinical supervision at out-patient clinics


Data Protection and Data Security

An e-learning module on 'Data Security Awareness' can be accessed through NHS England's e-learning for Healthcare website.

The Lead Employer's Code of Confidentiality policy can be downloaded from Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust's 'Our policies and procedures' page and there is also a social media policy which can be found on Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust's Lead Employer 'Policies and Forms' page. (Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust were formerly known as St Helens and Knowsley Teahcing Hospitals NHS Trust).


E-Portfolio (ISCP)

The e-portfolio for surgical specialities is ISCP (Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Programme). All postgraduate doctors in surgical training are expected to engage with the ISCP portfolio to provide evidence of their progress in training which will be assessed at Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). A fee is payable to the Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) for access to ISCP and evidence cannot be added if the fee has not been paid.

There is a help section on ISCP, or if you have any other problems, you should contact the ISCP help desk via email: or phone: 020 7869 6299


Early Certification

4.11   There will be occasions when a trainee progresses more rapidly than the expected rate of progress and in such cases, the award of an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) Outcome 6 can be brought forwards. However, this can only occur if:

  1. the trainee has gained all the relevant capabilities required in the curriculum
  2. the trainee has completed all the necessary examinations and assessments

4.12   The early achievement of CCT needs to be planned via the ARCP process and would not normally be advanced by more than one year.


The Gold Guide 9th Edition - Section 4: Progressing as a Specialty Trainee

pdf icon JCST's  Early Certification Principles

pdf icon JCST's Requesting change to provisional certification date flowchart


Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives

pdf icon Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives - a progress report 2018

pdf icon HEE and EJDWL 2018 presentation by Dr Alistair Thomson


eSurgery - e-learning resource for Surgeons

eSurgery is a free e-learning resource supporting doctors in postgraduate surgical training in their early years of surgical training. It is a collaboration between NHS England's e-Learning for Healthcare programme and the Royal College of Surgeons of England. It is a free e-learning resource for NHS employees and anyone delivering NHS commissioned care.

external link icon e-Learning for Healthcare - eSurgery


Excess Mileage Expenses *Added 13 May 2024*

NHS England will provide recompense for excess mileage expenses (payable at the reserve/PTR rate) incurred as a result of rotation when their home to place of work is more than 17 miles each way. Trainees appointed to single-site training programmes are not eligible to claim excess mileage as they are expected to live within a reasonable commute (less than 20 miles) of the place of work.

Excess mileage claims are managed by the Lead Employer on behalf of NHS England North West.

The policy and detials on how to claim can be found on the Lead Employer website.


GMC Survey

In 2023 the GMC survey will be available to complete from 21 March to 2 May 2023.


Gold Guide

The Gold Guide is a Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK and is applicable to all postgraduate doctors in training (StRs) taking up appointments in specialty training which commenced on or after 1 August 2007. The ninth edition published on 3 August 2022 replaces all previous editions of the Gold Guide with immediate effect and can be downloaded from the COPMeD website.


Induction Toolkit

pdf icon BMJ and HEE - Junior Doctor Induction Toolkit


JCST Quality Indicators

external link icon JCST Quality Indicators


Learning Agreements and Multi Consultant Reports

In all programmes, doctors in postgraduate surgical training in the north west should complete two, six-month Learning Agreements on ISCP each year*. All parts of both the Learning Agreements (Objective setting, Mid-Point Meeting, and Final Meeting and AES Report) for the year must be signed off by the doctor and their AES before the ARCP Assessment Panel.

LTFT doctors must still complete the same number of Learning Agreement meetings and MCRs per six-calendar month placement, as a full time doctor.

The Multi Consultant Report (MCR) must be fully completed before the Learning Agreement meetings can be signed off. Due to the two-week lock out for the MCR, doctors will need to adequately plan when the various parts of the Learning Agreement and MCR are signed off.

pdf icon Learning Agreement (LA) and Multi Consultant Report (MCR) timeline

*Except doctors doing four-month placements, in which case they should do three - one for each four month block. For four-month placements, the Mid-Point MCR can be skipped.


Less Than Full Time Training

NHS England North West's full LTFT guidance and applicaiton process can be found on the LTFT pages of this website and you can contact the LTFT via

external link icon COPMED - Principles for supporting programme management of LTFT doctors in training


Letters to Patients

pdf icon Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Guidance - “Please, write to me”: Writing outpatient clinic letters to patients


Locum Policy

pdf icon Guidance for postgraduate doctors in training and trainers on undertaking additional work whilst in a postgraduate medical education training programme


Out of Programme (OOP)

The Out of Programme (OOP) application form and information on the OOP process for NHS England North West can be found on the Out of Programme pages of our website.

Once your OOP application form has been signed by you, your AES and your TPD, please send the form and the supporting information to the NHS England North West School of Surgery Admin Team who will seek approval from the Associate Postgraduate Dean.

Please be aware you will also need to apply to the JCST for them to approve your OOP, details of what they require can be found on the OOP pages of the JCST website.

If your post requires GMC approval, this will be applied for by the NHS England North West admin team once your application has been approved by the Associate Postgraduate Dean and the JCST.

Cancellation or Curtailment of OOP

If you want to cancel your OOP after it has been approved, or if you want to shorten your OOP, please complete the "OOP Cancellation and Curtailment form" available on the Out of Programme pages of our website.

Extending your OOP

If you would like to extend your OOP, you should complete the main OOP application form for the extension period (the extension start date should be the day after the currently approved OOP end date) and you should submit documentation explaining the reason you want your extension. Please note that an Educational Supervisors signature is not required for an OOP extension application.


Period of Grace

A six-month Period of Grace (sometimes referred to as POG) is available to all postgraduate doctors on a higher training programme (ST3+) or run-through training programme. Doctors in Core Surgical Training do not have access to a period of grace.

From August 2020 the way in which NHS England North West manages Period of Grace changed to be in line with NHS England's National policy. Doctors in run-through or higher training programmes with a CCT date after 1 February 2021 must give six-months notice of whether they would like their Period of Grace. Doctors will be contacted approximately seven months before their CCT date to complete a Period of Grace Request form. If no form is received, it will be assumed that the Period of Grace is not required and their employment will finish on their CCT date. If a doctor who indicated they would like a Period of Grace subsequently changes their mind, they will need to give the standard three months notice of resignation.

The Period of Grace policy can be found on the policies and procedures page of this website.

Please see the Resignation section below for further details on resigning.


Personal Development Plans (PDP)

pdf icon "Professional development plans for surgeons" by Mr Vijay Bhalaik


Reflective Practice

You must ensure that all reflections in the portfolio, and used as evidence for appraisal and revalidation, must have any personal information that can identify individuals (including patient identifiers) or organisations removed prior to loading.

pdf icon Improving feedback and reflection to improve learning, A practical guide for postgraduate doctors in training and trainers

pdf icon Recording of reflective practice - letter from Academy of Medical Royal Colleges

pdf icon Recording of reflective practice - Academy of Medical Royal Colleges - Guidance for entering information on e-portfolios

pdf icon Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and COPMeD Reflective Practice Toolkit

pdf icon GMC - Reflective practice guidance


Resigning from a Training Programme

Upon resigning from a training post, the following notice of resignation is required from a doctor in postgraduate training:

Type Notice Period
Core Training (CT) 1 month
Specialty Training (ST) - including run-through doctors at grade ST1 or ST2 3 months

Doctors resigning from their training programme must advise the Lead Employer of their resignation by emailing within the above timescales.

Where a doctor wants to leave the training programme before completion of the required notice period, they must complete an Early Resignation Form and obtain approval from the Host Trust they will be based at on the date of leaving.

Please visit the Lead Employer's Online Forms page on their website and complete the Early Resignation Form.
If you have any queries about resigning, please contact the Lead Employer Team at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (formerly St Helens and Knowsley Teahcing Hospitals NHS Trust).


Returning to Work/Training

Please visit the North West School of Surgery SuppoRTT page and NHS England North West's Supported Return to Training page.



Please see the NHS England NW Revalidation pages for information.

The Revalidation team can be contacted by email on


Run-through Training

pdf icon Guidance for North West School of Surgery doctors in postgraduate training on run-through training programmes


Study Leave

Please see the NHS England North West Study Leave pages for guidance, application forms etc.

The Study Leave team can be contacted by email on


Support for Doctors

external link icon Support for doctors - Academy of Medical Royal Colleges


Support for Doctors with Mental Health or Addiction Concerns

NHS Practitioner Health is a free and confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists with issues relating to a mental health concern or addiction problem, especially where these may affect their work.

The service is open to any medical or dental practitioners in England, who are GMC or GDC registered, or those looking to return to clinical practice.

pdf icon NHS Practitioner Health Leaflet

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 8am-2pm

Telephone: 0300 030 3300




Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)

Please visit the North West School of Surgery SuppoRTT page and NHS England North West's Supported Return to Training page.


Time Out of Training (TOOT)

pdf icon Time Out of Training - GMC position statement - November 2012


Doctor in Postgraduate Specialty Training Representatives

The Doctor in Postgraduate Training Representatives attend and provide feedback at each specialty's Training Committee and the North West School of Surgery Doctor in Postgraduate Training Representatives meeting.

Specialty Sector Representative
Cardio-thoracic Surgery Both Marcus Taylor
Core Surgical Training CT1 Both Jinpo Xiang
Helen Stephens (Deputy)
Core Surgical Training CT2 Both Emma-Jane Jones
Blair Cooper (Deputy)
General Surgery

East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) David Leiberman
TBC (Deputy)
West (Cheshire and Merseyside) George Nita
Hannah Lennon
Neurosurgery East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) Catherine Pringle
West (Cheshire and Merseyside) Geraint Sunderland
Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery
East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) - South/Central Jesuloba Abiola
East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) - North Andrew Goodall
West (Cheshire, Merseyside and North Wales) Farhan Khalid
Otolaryngology (ENT)
East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) Gabrielle Thompson
West (Cheshire and Merseyside) Hannah Emerson
Paediatric Surgery Both Jonathan Ducey
Keerthika Sampat
Plastic Surgery

East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Mohamed Hereika
Grant Nolan
West (Cheshire and Merseyside) Deniz Hassan
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery

East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) Sophie Rogers
Thomas Naylor
West (Cheshire and Merseyside) Xenia Tonge
James McEvoy
Urology East (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria) Zoe Panayi
West (Cheshire, Merseyside and North Wales) Omer Abdalla
Vascular Surgery Both Martin Hossack


Training Programme Directors (TPDs)

For details of who your TPD is, please see the TPD page.


Training Support Network

Information on specialist support services for doctors in postgraduate training who are experiencing difficulties which may affect their ability to train.

NHS England North West Training Support Network


Meetings and Events

North West School of Surgery Induction for New Starters (Core Surgery)

14 August 2024 

Venue: The Education and Research Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital

North West School of Surgery Induction for New Starters (ST3+)

TBC August 2024 

Venue: online, virtual meeting


NHS England North West Links

Training Support Network

SuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)

Study Leave | Email:

Out of Programme (OOP) information

Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training | Email:

Policies and Procedures

Revalidation | Form R | Email:

Leadership courses (Medical Leadership Fellowships, Postgraduate Module in Medical Leadership)

Education courses (PG Certificate in Workplace Based Postgraduate Medical Education Fellowship) | Email:

Careers advice

Intra-LETB Transfer Policy for transferring between sectors within NHS England North West (on Policies and Procedures page)


Page Last Updated 13 May 2024