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Form R


Please note that you must submit your Form R via TIS self-service (TSS)

You will need to set up an account in TSS

Sign up process

1. Navigate to https://trainee.tis.nhs.uk/

2. Sign up using the email address you have previously notified to HEE

The following guidance provides additional information.

TIS self-service guide



Once completed, please save a copy of your Form R in your e-portfolio. If you have any queries please contact the relevant specialty school:

Specialty School Email Inbox
ACCS england.accsem.nw@nhs.net
Anaesthesia england.anaesthesia.nw@nhs.net
Emergency Medicine england.accsem.nw@nhs.net
General Practice england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net
Intensive Care Medicine england.icm.nw@nhs.net
Medicine england.medicine.nw@nhs.net
Obstetrics and Gynaecology england.obsgyn.nw@nhs.net
Ophthalmology england.ophthalmology.nw@nhs.net
Paediatrics england.paediatrics.nw@nhs.net
Pathology england.pathology.nw@nhs.net
Public Health england.publichealthnw@nhs.net
Psychiatry england.psychiatry.nw@nhs.net
Radiology england.radiology.nw@nhs.net
Surgery england.surgery.nw@nhs.net