Welcome to the North West School of Emergency Medicine
The North West School of Emergency Medicine is a specialty school of postgraduate medicine based in the North West of England.
The School of Emergency Medicine encompasses the northwest of England, from Lancaster in the north, the Wirral to the west and Crewe in the south. We are a single school with equal training opportunities across the region but the training rotations are divided into Mersey and North Western (Greater Manchester). The school is responsible for EM trainees in ST3 – ST6; trainees in CT1 & 2 are part of the ACCS Training Programme.
Further information regarding the North West School of Emergency Medicine can be accessed by the following link:
Key Contacts
Dr David Ross,
Associate Dean for Emergency Medicine
Based at HEE's North West Office, Regatta Place
Email: david.ross15@nhs.net
Dr Richard Parris,
Head of School of Emergency Medicine
Based at Bolton Teaching Hospital
Email: richard.parris2@nhs.net
Dr Neill Hughes,
Deputy Head of School and TPD for ST4 and Higher North Western Trainees
Email: neill.hughes@nca.nhs.uk
Dr Catherine Jackson,
TPD for ST3 North Western Trainees & SuppoRRT Champion
Email: catherine.jackson@mft.nhs.uk
North West School of Emergency Medicine Training Programme Management Team
All general enquiries relating to education/training should be directed to england.accsem.nw@nhs.net
Natalie Dawson
Email: natalie.dawson14@nhs.net
Programme Support Coordinator for ACCS & Emergency Medicine
Lindsey Robinson
Email: lindsey.robinson9@nhs.net
Programme Support Officer
Gillian Johnson
Email: gillian.johnson34@nhs.net
Programme Support Administrator
Email: xxx@nhs.net
All trainees in the North West are employed by a single 'Lead Employer', Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (formerly known as St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust). For any HR or payroll enquiries please contact the lead Employer team.
Lead Employer Team
Website: leademployer.merseywestlancs.nhs.uk/
Email: lead.employer@sthk.nhs.uk
Tel: 0151 478 7777
Lead Employer Payroll Team
Email: leademployerpayroll@sthk.nhs.uk
Tel: 0151 290 4658
Useful Contacts
SuppoRTT Champion – Dr Catherine Jackson - catherine.jackson@mft.nhs.uk
NHS England – North West Links
SuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
Study Leave | Email: england.studyleave.nw@nhs.net
Out of Programme (OOP) information
Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training | Email: england.ltft.nw@nhs.net
Revalidation | Form R | Email: england.revalidation.nw@nhs.net
Leadership courses (Medical Leadership Fellowships, Postgraduate Module in Medical Leadership)
Education courses (PG Certificate in Workplace Based Postgraduate Medical Education Fellowship) | Email: england.facultydevelopment.nw@nhs.net
Careers advice | england.careers.nw@nhs.net
Page Last Updated 13 September 2024