NHS England fully endorses the principles set out in the NHS Employers.
The term “Flexible” has been replaced by “Less than Full-Time” to avoid confusion. “Flexible” implies that the Resident Doctor can elect when they wish to work whereas this will be determined by their training needs.
Any Resident Doctor in a substantive deanery approved post is eligible for less than full-time training and this will be accommodated as soon as practicably possible.
Applying for Less Than Full Time Training
Please note you can only apply to train Less Than Full Time if you have a confirmed substantive post with NHS England. If you are in the process of applying for a post, you may only apply for LTFT training once it has been confirmed.
All Resident Doctors will be able to apply for LTFT subject to completing local processes. All Resident Doctors who wish to commence LTFT training will need to identify one of seven different opportunities they wish to apply for in accordance National LTFT guidance.
These options are as follows, and are included in the Application to Commencement LTFT Training Form:
All applications will need to be completed with at least 16 weeks’ notice as per National guidance. This is so we can adhere to the 12 weeks code of practice to allow Trusts notice to complete the required work schedules.
Although you will not need to re-apply for LTFT at the start of each rotation (unless you wish to change percentage or return full time) you will need to liaise with each host placement regarding your work schedule prior to each placement.
To simplify the process below are points which will activated for everyone in the future.
For all opportunities a minimum of 16 weeks’ notice prior to rotation must be provided where practically possible, exceptions to the notice period, maybe permitted if there are exceptional circumstances such as ill health/disability or urgent caring responsibilities.
The form will ask for the reason as it does now and in the case of ill health ask for confirmation of engagement with health care /OH (duty of care) – this will allow us to monitor the situation.
You can access the form below. The form should be completed electronically and forwarded to your Training Programme Director (TPD) for approval, who will if approved forward your form to
TIER 2 Less Than Full Time Training Applicants
Please find below a link to the website which identifies important guidance for TIER 2/Skilled workers. Requirements have changed; please ensure you meet all requirements before applying to undertake Less Than Full Time Training.
Whenever possible LTFT Resident Doctors will be placed in a slot share occupying a full-time post, with each partner working 60% (to both facilitate effective handover and enable each partner to benefit from the formal teaching programme).
If a slot share is not possible then working reduced hours in a full-time post will be considered. It is possible to work up to 80% (the maximum for LTFT training). On-call should be pro-rata; however, if willing a LTFT Resident Doctor can do the full-time on-call providing the total hours worked do not exceed 40.
Only if a slot share or reduced hours in a full-time post are impossible will a supernumerary post be considered. Where this is will be determined by the Resident doctors educational requirements. Such posts are the most difficult to arrange as although the basic salary comes from the Postgraduate Medical and Dental LTFT Budget, the host trust has to meet the banding cost. (N.B. for all LTFT Resident Doctors, on-call banding is calculated individually and is based on actual hours worked, the proportion that are “anti-social”, and the work intensity.
Trust LTFT Training Champions
NHS England is committed to providing Resident Doctors who wish to transition to LTFT training the necessary advice and assistance to ensure the process is relatively seamless, while at the same time also support those REsident Doctors who have already transitioned to LTFT training.
These champions will have an overview of all LTFT Resident Doctors within their trust and will be available to advise and assist any PGDiT within that trust regardless of grade and specialty on any concerns they have over the LTFT process and the LTFT experience. This role is designed to improve existing support for LTFT training rather than replace existing support to individual Resident Doctors.
It is important that Resident Doctors are aware they will still be responsible for managing the process. They will however now have a senior member of the trust onsite in an advisory role who should have contact with all stakeholders to enable Resident Doctors to fully complete all aspects of the LTFT process, particularly interaction with Medical Staffing.
A list of trust LTFT trust champions along with TPD and School Champions can be found under Support and Contact Information section towards the bottom of this page.
Support and Contact Information
All LTFT Resident Doctors will receive full support and advice from the LTFT champion at the trust where they are training, a list of LTFT champions is available below. In addition, LTFT specialty advisors are also available to provide support and advice.
Contacting the LTFT Team
Dr Ruth Gottstein |
Associate Postgraduate Dean for LTFT - |
James Owen | or 0161 268 9578 |
Lead Employer
The Lead Employer is point of contact for queries that relates to contracts, pay, annual leave, pension, health concerns etc. Please visit their website for further information and contact details of the various teams: Lead Employer
Useful Documents
Last updated 31/01/2025