Terms of Reference
- To oversee and set the strategic direction for Foundation training in HENW, in line with national standards set by the GMC, Health Education England. (HEE) and by the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO).
- To develop relationships with the University of Manchester, University of Liverpool and University of Lancaster.
- To quality assure the delivery of Foundation training across the school in line with GMC standards and HENW requirements.
- To facilitate opportunities to address the UK’s evolving healthcare landscape and better prepare the future workforce in obtaining the right skills and competences to provide care for the ‘whole patient.’
- To determine the appropriate infrastructure across the school at trust level to provide Foundation training with adequate support and resources.
Operational Functions & Reporting Responsibilities
The Foundation School Board, chaired by the Dean of Postgraduate Medical Studies, will establish reporting committees and sub-groups as appropriate to ensure that the operational objectives as set out in the Curriculum and the national Foundation Programme Reference Guide are delivered. Sub-groups will be responsible for ensuring that systems and processes are in place and developed, and will have reporting responsibilities to the board.
Operational Framework
- To identify two-year foundation programmes made up of 6 x four-month placements, which offer a broad range of training experiences and opportunities which meet the required standards of training, education, and assessment, as set by the GMC.
- To enable the core competences of Foundation training to be achieved from every two-year programme.
- To offer F2 trainees the opportunity to undertake a four month placement in General Practice.
- To offer trainees the opportunity to undertake community-facing and integrated placements to enable them to experience the full patient care pathway.
- To offer trainees the opportunity to undertake an academic programme/placement.
- To co-ordinate recruitment to local foundation programmes and ensure that fair and transparent systems are in place for the allocation of doctors to programmes.
- To manage and support Inter-Foundation School Transfers following fair and transparent processes.
- To manage flexible and ‘out-of-phase’ foundation trainees following fair and transparent processes.
- To support the management of trainees requiring additional educational support during foundation training, in conjunction with their host NHS Trust, educational supervisor and Foundation Programme Director.
- To facilitate a locally based process to ensure that all doctors involved in clinical and educational foundation training supervision can demonstrate that they have attended a programme that has enabled them to achieve the educational competences required to undertake such supervision.
- To ensure the provision of a robust Career Advisory Service for foundation trainees.
- To develop and maintain close working partnerships with all stakeholders.