An ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) will take place for all resident doctors and registrars (including LTFT) at least once per calendar year. For most registrars this will take place in June/July, however some doctors may have their ARCP in December/January. Ad-hoc ARCPs may take place at other times of the year as required.
The ARCP outcome will be decided at an ARCP Assessment Panel at which the Registrar will not be present, therefore all evidence must be on their portfolio 14 working days before the ARCP Assessment Panel date (or by the deadline specified by the Training Programme Director).
Registrars will not normally attend the ARCP Assessment Panel, however the TPD may ask you to attend for an Educational Meeting which will take place after the Panel have decided the ARCP outcome. Resitrars issued a developmental outcome (Outcome 2, 3, 4 or 5) must attend the ARCP Feedback Panel to discuss the outcome and objectives for the next period of training.
For a full guide of the standard NHS England – North West process for ARCPs please visit our policies and procedures page: