Public Health - ARCP

ARCP Protocol

ARCP Protocol

Appendix 1 - Guidance on Issuing Outcomes at ARCP

Appendix 2 - What Constitues as Exceptional Circumstances

Appendix 3 - FAQs to Assist with Issueing of ARCP Outcomes

Appendix 4 - Guidelines for Monitoring Clinical Academic Training and Progress

Appendix 5 - ARCP Outcomes for Early Years Training GMC Position

In brief:

The ARCP is an essential step before any Specialty Registrar progresses to the next year. It involves the presentation of various forms of written evidence, gathered during the whole year, in a Portfolio.

A comprehensive description of the Annual Review of Competence Progression is in the 2007 Faculty of Public Health Training Curriculum, available at:

The three attached documents are examples of part of the documentation from an ARCP portfolio of someone who successfully moved from ST1 to ST2 in 2008.

Anonymous Template Activity Sheet 1 document
Anonymous Template Activity Sheet 2 document
Workplace Assessment for ARCP Phase 1 document

Some more detail about the Health Education England North West  approach:

The North West School of Public Health procedures for ARCP follow the Faculty of Public Health guidance and are in line with Health Education North West policies and guidance for ARCP. The ARCP panel makes a judgement on whether proffered evidence is adequate to support the assessment of learning outcomes made in the work place. The assessment in the workplace is usually made by the educational supervisor, using specific assessment tools and forms of evidence.

Where the ARCP panel judges that there is not sufficient evidence for the claimed learning outcomes, or where documentation is incomplete, the panel advise on a Stage 2, face to face, ARCP assessment.

The Faculty is developing an electronic portfolio to support this process.

Until the electronic portfolio is available, we will require the following documents and electronic files from each Specialty Registrar, to allow the ARCP panel to consider their progression between training years:

1. Original copies of information from the portfolio in line with the FPH guidance:

Specified on p2 and p5 of 37 of "Guidance to creating and maintaining a Professional Learning Portfolio"

Form R (p6)
Conditions of Joining (p7)
Training Record Form (p8)
Supporting letters (p9)
Learning agreement for 6/12 months (p10)
ARCP outcomes (p11)
Phase Learning Outcomes sign off sheet (phase 1 or 2 or 3) (p12,13,14)
Optional Learning Outcomes sign off sheet (p15)
Workplace assessment record sheet (p16)
Educational Supervisor report (p17)
Academic Supervisor Report (p18)
Form 4: summary of employment appraisal discussion (p19) only at ST2 and later.

Plus a two sided summary CV and new workplace activity sheets (p31) completed since the previous ARCP

The reflective logbook of activity in training: in line with section 2 of the "Guidance to creating and maintaining a Professional Learning Portfolio"

These original documents will be returned to the StR.

2. For Health Education North West  records:

  • Electronic copies of the documents specified on p2 and p5, plus the short CV, as a single electronic document.
  • Only those Workplace Assessment Record Sheets (p16) completed since the previous ARCP need to be included.
  • Workplace Activity Sheets completed since the last ARCP.