The Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) is a summative assessment component of the MRCGP taken in ST3 but preparation should take place from your earliest GP post.
Detailed information is on the SCA section of the RCGP website and a thorough understanding of the requirements is vital and you should frequently refer to this:
Click here to access RCGP website information on the SCA
In the North West we have created a guide for you and your trainer which we hope will be helpful, which can be downloaded from these links:
SCA Summary for Trainers (please click image below):
North West England Consultation Toolkit
The North West England Consultation Toolkit was written by Dr Anne Hawkridge FRCGP and Dr David Molyneux FRCGP as part of the SOX exam support programme for both the CSA (Clinical Skills Assessment) and the RCA (Remote Consultation Assessment).
It has been updated for the SCA and is also published in full on the RCGP website:
Start by analysing consultations using the Consultation Overview and Red, Amber, Green Rating Tool. Both documents can be downloaded and printed off if necessary.
Each of the 29 competencies within the consultation overview (and matched RAG tool) have a separate education section. Use these sections to work on weaker areas, selecting from the range of educational strategies and reflective exercises. Work with your educational supervisors to improve your performance before sitting the SCA.
A PDF version of the toolkit is here (please click the image below):
Please note that the toolkit is under copyright so should not be published in part or full by external parties and should be used for personal or GP training programme use only.
Our North West SOX interventions have been published and evidence the excellent impact on performance in the exam:
Click here to view published evidence on the North West SOX intervention
An interactive version of the toolkit is accessible on Fourteen Fish and is available as part of the SCA Plus package. The cost of purchase can be reimbursed through your individual Study Leave.
Click the image below to view the SCA Consultation Overview
Click the image below to view the SCA Rag Rating
If you are an ST3 and preparing for your exam, come along to one of our lunchtime online sessions where you'll receive top tips on your preparation regional from experiences regional tutors. There will be the very latest guidance and we'll share our tips on maximising your chances of success!
Our Northwest GPSTs share their Top Tips for preparing for the SCA and achieving success in some short interviews below.
Thank you to all our GPSTs for their excellent advice and to the Blackpool GP Training Programme for commissioning this resource.
Please see the below the videos of 7 Blackpool trainees offering their top tips for the SCA, to support your exam preparation.
Three Consultation Analysis (3CA)
The Three Consultation Analysis (3CA) is a valuable opportunity for you to get ahead with your preparation for the SCA. It is not a mock exam but provides an insight into how your consulting compares with that of your peers for your stage of training and an individualised plan for you, to help you achieve success in your SCA.
Taking part in your first GP/GP+ post in ST1/2, is an ideal time to participate. This allows you to get bespoke feedback and an individualised strategy, with sufficient time to develop in preparation for your SCA.
You will need to record 3 of your patient consultations and share these with your allocated SOX educator. SOX educators are very experienced trainers in SCA preparation and there is published evidence that their intervention can greatly enhance your chance of success.
To learn more about the logistics of 3CA please see the Process Guide and watch this short video:
All ST1s (whether in a GP or hospital post) can access the Virtual Primary Care platform. This gives you access to 150 real GP consultations with tips, guidelines and learning materials covering a wide range of curriculum areas. We recommend you use this platform for individual learning and learning with your GP Clinical Supervisor and Programme Educators. Since there are so many consultations do commence use of the platform early and plan how you will cover all of the materials as this is only available currently in the ST1 year.
You’ll receive an email on how to register and access this but if you have any issues, email the GP school on
The login page is:
Click here for the login page to Virtual Primary Care
Please note that it takes a few days following you first accessing the site for you to see the videos.
Teaching and Learning Consultation Skills (TALC)
TALC is a valuable resource produced by Dr Avril Danczak, an experienced North West educator, along with her TALC team. It is an excellent set of learning modules which will help you in developing your consultation skills.
You’ll find useful reading materials along with podcasts and videos which will help you in your development to become a truly excellent consulter!
You can access the TALC resources here