
Your e-portfolio is the tool in which you collect evidence to demonstrate your progress though training and your competence for application for CCT.

You should register with the RCGP for training to get access to the e-portfolio. Click here to access.


Information on the e-portfolio including a full guide on how to use it can be found here The e-portfolio also has an extensive help and frequently asked questions section.


The main sections of the e-portfolio and requirements for each are outlined below.


Learning log – This is your personal record of your learning throughout your programme. These entries, when shared, contribute to the evidence considered at your Educational Supervisors Review and Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)

The HENW GP School recommends that you should record at least 3 learning log entries per week. Learning log entries should cover the full range of learning opportunities and cover the whole curriculum over your 3 years in training.

Advice on how to complete good learning log entries can be found here


PDP – Your PDP shows you are engaged in the learning cycle by planning your learning after identifying your learning needs. PDP entries are usually generated after appraisal or feedback meetings with your supervisor or when completing learning log entries (there is a send to PDP button so you can automatically create a PDP entry from a learning log entry)


Evidence – This section collects details of all the formal WPBA assessments you undertake. There is an indication of the number of assessments that are required. Full details of the assessment requirements can be found here.

Assessments including CBD, mini-cex, and DOPS can only be done by senior clinicians. This includes specialty DiTs at ST3 or above, fully qualified nurses, or other health care professionals. Assessments done by other GP DiTs, foundation DiTs, or other specialty DiTs at ST1 or ST2 will not be accepted as part of the minimum assessment requirements at your Educational Supervisors review or ARCP

N.B. All DiTs are required to have an educational supervisor’s review every 6 months whether full time or less than full time. The assessment requirements on the e-portfolio are normally correct for each review period. DiTs who are in Less Than Full Time Training should familiarise themselves with the minimum requirements for each review period. Summary guidelines can be found here. If in doubt, please contact your educational supervisor, training programme director, or School Manager to clarify.


Educators Notes – This is the section that any educator involved in your programme, including GP School staff and ARCP panels will use to give you feedback. Please check this section regularly.