Doctors in Training (DiT) FAQs

Please click here for a downloadable PDF version of the DiT questions

Question List:



Form R


Combined Pathway 

The first ARCP panel at 6 months (WTE) will review the application and evidence for Combined Training, the recommendations from the deanery and ARCP prelimenary assessments (all in the DiT portfolio) and progress to date to make the final decision on how much time can contribute.

Combined training (rcgp.org.uk)



Incoming new DiTs:


Portfolio Questions



When is my ARCP?

ARCP panels occur annually, from your first date in programme. Your ARCP date will be listed on your Fourteen Fish Timeline once we have allocated it to you. They are held annually, usually in Summer and Winter months

If you are on a combined trianing programme (Shortened programme) your first ARCP will take place upon your first 6 months in programme. Then afterwards they will be held annually.

Other exceptions to the rule are if you are planning to go out of programme or on parental leave, then a panel should take place before the start date of this period.  

Even if you are on sick leave a panel will still be convened and you must engage with the ARCP process.

We will notify you of your ARCP by email or by updating Fourteen Fish. If you are unsure, or do not have a ARCP date in your portfolio, please email us at england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net.

Further information on the ARCP process is here: https://nwpgmd.nhs.uk/arcp


What Outcome did I get for my ARCP?

Your ARCP Outcome will be available on Fourteen Fish once the ARCP panel has been completed, and available for your review and sign off by the end of the same day.  

It is important that you sign off this ARCP form to avoid any delays in your CCT.

We will usually go through the next day to check if your ARCP Form has been signed off by the panel chair. If you haven’t heard anything by the Friday of that week, please email us at england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net where we can chase the sign off from the Panel Chair. If you’ve received an developmental outcome then we will need to deliver this face to face via Microsoft Teams and someone from the GP Support Team will be in touch via email regarding this appointment.

Further information on the ARCP process available here: https://nwpgmd.nhs.uk/arcp


What do the ARCP Outcomes mean?

Outcome 1 - Achieving progress and capabilities at the expected rate

Outcome 2 - Development of specific capabilities required – Additional training time not required

Outcome 3 - Development of specific capabilities required – Additional training time required

Outcome 4 - Released from training programme – With or without specified capabilities

Outcome 5 - Incomplete evidence presented – Assessment of progression cannot be made.  

Outcome 6 - Achieved all required capabilities for completion of the programme.

Outcome 7 - Fixed-term posts (e.g. LATs). This is not used in GP training. 

Outcome 8 - Out of programme for clinical experience, research or a career break (OOPE/OOPR/OOPC). N Codes are often used in conjunction with this, further details will be on your portfolio if you receive an OOP Outcome.

Further details can be found in the gold guide here: https://www.copmed.org.uk/publications/gold-guide/gold-guide-9th-edition



When do I need to submit my ESR?

DiTs will all receive an ARCP email before each peak season (summer & winter) reminding them of the ARCP process.  However we recognise that some DiTs maybe out of sync and therefore if you should fall within this category please ensure you submit your full ESR and Form R no earlier than 8 weeks and no later than 2 weeks before before your ARCP panel.  For those DiTs in sync you can find submission dates HERE.


What should my ESR period be?

Your ESR should ideally every 6 months whether full time or LTFT, the first date should be your first date in programme or begin a day after your last ESR review end date.


Do I need to submit a full ESR or an interim ESR?

You should submit a full ESR for every ARCP panel and an interim ESR (iESR) can be submitted if there is no upcoming ARCP panel.


Can I have an extension to my ESR?

No, ESR submission deadlines are provided to you with enough notice to allow for completion prior to your ARCP.  Should you have mitigated circumstances that you think may delay your ARCP or ESR (not to include annual leave) then please email the team at england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net with your request.


Can you edit my review periods on FishBase?

You can do this yourself, please follow these handy links:


Form R

When do I need to submit my Form R?

No earlier than 8 weeks and no later than 2 weeks before your ARCP panel.


Why is it so important that the Form R Part B is correct?

The Form R fills in the gaps that would normally be filled in by your appraisal meeting with your Educational Supervisor. It is imperative that the Form R is filled in correctly so that the GMC can keep you as a valid doctor on the GMC register.

We have created a useful guide to help you fill in your Form R correctly: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/arcp 

If you require more information on the TIS Self Service system, then please visit https://tis-support.hee.nhs.uk/trainees/

A video from our fellow deanery in the East of England: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CTYBJcXoBM


How do I submit a Form R?

Please follow this link for our helpful guide on it: https://nwpgmd.nhs.uk/arcp


I can’t upload my Form R/evidence onto Fourteen Fish   – help!

Please try using this method: https://support.fourteenfish.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360016671257-Uploading-Form-R



How do I avoid an Outcome 5?

Please follow this link for our helpful guide: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/arcp


What WPBA Requirements are needed at ARCP?

Please visit Workplace Based Assessment (rcgp.org.uk) for the requirements at ARCP.


How can I add additional evidence to a closed review period?

You will need to create a new review period and link the evidence to this. If you are trying to upload your evidence to a review period that has been signed off, the portfolio will not allow you to do so.

Please try using these links to trouble shoot:

My ALS/BLS Course will expire prior to my ARCP, what do I do?

Please ensure evidence of a booked course is added as an educator note by your Educational Supervisor prior to your ARCP.  The panel may still issue an Outcome 5 or which is a holding outcome which will then be reviewed against a later panel after the course has been completed for your satisfactory outcome to be awarded. (As long as there are no other training concerns on your portfolio).


Why won’t you accept my certificates?

The ARCP panel needs to see a formal certificate for your course which clearly states your full name, the date you have completed the course and/or how long it is valid for, plus the logo of the company that completed the training with you. In some cases, we have accepted a formal letter confirming all this information only if the course providers do not issue certificates.


I’m Out Of Programme (OOP), what do I submit for an ARCP?

You will need to submit a Form R Part B. If you are OOP, then you don’t need to submit an ESR.


I’m on long term sick leave, what do I submit for an ARCP?

You will need to submit a Form R Part B. Depending on how long you have been out of programme it would be useful to have an ESR, however with assistance from the GP Support Team we can help plan when you should complete your next ESR once you return to the programme.


I would like some educational guidance, who do I talk to?

Please ask your Educational Supervisor about your educational requirements. You can also look up your requirements here: https://www.rcgp.org.uk/training-exams/training/mrcgp-workplace-based-assessment-wpba.aspx

If you are still unsure, you can liaise with your Training Programme Director.


How do I apply to go Out of Programme?

Please visit our page here: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/policies-guidance


How do I go Less Than Full Time (LTFT)?

Please visit our page here: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/policies-guidance


 I'm due to return to training, what do I do now?

In the first instance please contact your Training Programme Director to arrange a meeting to discuss your return to work. 

We now run a Support Return to Training Programme. It was designed to improve the experience for all post graduate doctors who have been out of training for 3 months or more. 

Please visit our page here for further information https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/supported-return-to-training


Who is my Clinical Supervisor?

If this information is not already available to you on Fourteen Fish, then please contact your Training Programme Director or local programme support team.

If you are unsure who your Training Programme Director is, please visit this link: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/general-practice/contacts


What do I do if my placement information is incorrect on my portfolio?

If your placement information is missing or incorrect on Fourteen Fish, then please contact your Training Programme Director or local programme support team.

If you are unsure who your Training Programme Director is, please visit this link: https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/general-practice/contacts


Why does my portfolio (review period) still have my old Clinical Supervisor on?

If your ESR covers more than one placement, it will only show the Clinical Supervisor from the first placement on Fourteen Fish. Once your ESR review period switches, your new Clinical Supervisor will be visible once you switch ESR periods.

Your Clinical Supervisor should be able to access your portfolio, if they cannot, you can add them using this method: https://support.fourteenfish.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360012204837-My-trainee-is-not-appearing-on-my-account

Incoming New DiTs

National Performers List

For all updates on the NPL (National Performers list) Please see link below:


What will my training structure be?

The majority of DiTs joining GP Training from August and beyond will do 12 months hospital and 24 months GP (not necessarily in that order), however, in some areas, the original structure of 18 months GP is still in place. Your Training Programme Director will let you know what structure they are able to offer.

Time out of Training (TooT)?


It is the DiTs responsibility to add all TooT to their portfolio (this is all leave not study or annual leave and includes industrial action) and it is a GMC requirement that is it correctly recorded.  Please refer to the RCGP website for further information https://www.rcgp.org.uk/getmedia/774ee702-0bea-425a-9d6d-5d9b391f0866/guidance-managing-time-out-training-gp.pdf

Please note that TOOT is calculated in calendar days and weekends are included as part of this (for example 1 week is 7 days, 1 year is 365 days)

When will my sick leave be added onto my training?

It is all DiTs responsibility to check and ensure any time out of training are added to the portfolio and Form R and the stages of training are correct, further guidance can be located HERE  


Please ensure after every ARCP you re-check your CCT date, to ensure any TooT has not exceeded the minimum requirement for your stage of training (14 days per ST year) and amended your CCT.  


Please note that failure to do so may result in a delay in receiving your CCT. 


Portfolio Questions

Trouble shooting links:


Review Periods 

Using Previous Evidence: https://support.fourteenfish.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360005540057-I-have-an-entry-in-a-previous-Review-Period-that-I-want-to-now-use-as-evidence

Who pays for the DiT portfolio?

DiTs are expected to pay for their Fourteen Fish Portfolio.

My trainer can’t see my portfolio

Please try using these trouble shooting links, if you are still unable to see your DiT/s then contact the GP Support Team - england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net . if we are unable to resolve this issue then we will refer you on to the Fourteen Fish support team - support@fourteenfish.com .

I am having trouble with Educational Supervisor Reports (ESR)

Please try these trouble shooting links below, but if you’re still having issues let us know and we’ll do our best to help or refer you to support@fourteenfish.com .

Review Periods – 

My Clinical/Educational Supervisor/placement/anything else is wrong on my portfolio, please can you fix it?

DiTs have the facilities within their own portfolio to amend details of their Educational/Clinical Supervisors and or placements details by following the links below:

If you need us to amend your placement details, please let the GP Support team know on england.gptraining.nw@nhs.net

My review period is registered under the wrong stage of training. Can you change this?

Your Educational Supervisor can amend this for you, please follow the links below: