General (internal) medicine - North West


Training Programme Director

Dr Vinodh Devakumar

Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist
Department of Rheumatology and General Medicine
GIM Training Programme Director – HEE NW
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, Pennine MSK Partnership
The Royal Oldham Hospital


Telephone: 0161 627 8015


Dear Trainees,


From 2017, the GIM portfolio will be reviewed on an annual basis at ST4, ST6 and ST7 with respect to the 3 stages of GIM training (JRCPTB GIM decision aid). The date for GIM ARCP in 2017 will be between 02 May to 09 May.


There will be only one window for ARCPs. There will be an interim review of your portfolio before your ARCP which hopefully will support you address any outstanding areas in your portfolio. The decision aid for GIM is available by clicking the GIM decision aid button which can be found at the top of your GIM curriculum on your portfolio.


Could you please ensure that you have had an up-to-date educational supervisory report in GIM well ahead of your actual GIM ARCP date and a minimum of 4 MCRs.


I would suggest that at present, you produce a folder in your personal library which should contain evidence of your GIM outpatient activity (you are aiming to complete 186 clinics by the end of your CCT date); on-call activity (aiming for 1000 patients on an unselected take, again by your CCT date); and your regional GIM teaching attendance uploading certificates of attendance. JRCTB currently has a target of 10 work-based assessments per level of GIM training (1, 2 and 3) of which 6 should be ACATS.


Please read the decision aid which does vary according to the level of GIM training that you have completed. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Best wishes,

Dr Vinodh Devakumar

Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist
Department of Rheumatology and General Medicine
GIM Training Programme Director – HEE NW