

Curriculum - Haematology training (2010, with 2012 amendments)

Curriculum - Haematology training (2021)

JRCPTB Specialty Overview and Recruitment - http://www.st3recruitment.org.uk/specialties/haematology






Training Programme Director

Dr Elizabeth Jones

Email: elizabethjones5@nhs.net

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Prescot Street
L7 8XP


Programme Description

This is a run through training programme starting after the completion of Core Medical Training at ST3 level aimed at doctors who can demonstrate the essential competencies from the person specification to enter this level of training. The programme is designed to provide the opportunities for the post holder to achieve the Level 2 medical competencies as described in the Generic Curriculum for the Medical Specialities and the competencies described in the Haematology specialty curriculum.


All the Mersey Deanery Medical training posts come under the organisation framework of the Mersey Deanery School of Medicine from the Core Medical Training (CMT) Scheme which was established in August 2005 and has been the RCP pilot site for many aspects of CMT including the development of the e portfolio and use of the curricula as a guide for learning in CMT.


It will be necessary throughout specialty training to demonstrate satisfactory progress in workplace assessments of competence when these are reviewed at the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). The milestones to be achieved are described in latest version of the specialty specific ARCP decision aid on the JRCPTB website.


This is a Deanery Wide run through programme which includes all the hospitals listed in the deanery. All the ST3 and subsequent ST4 – ST7 placements will be allocated by the specialty programme director on behalf of the School of Pathology.


All posts will provide general medicine training and experience with acute unselected takes. In some hospitals the ST3 posts may be part of a rota including ST1 and ST2 posts.

The programme is based in the following hospitals in the Mersey Deanery:

  1. Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospital
  2. Wirral University Teaching Hospital
  3. University Hospital Aintree
  4. St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  5. Countess of Chester Hospital
  6. Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
  7. Mersey Blood Transfusion Service


The Training Programme includes dedicated clinical placements according to the level of training in:

  1. Stem Cell Transplantation – 6 months
  2. Non Malignant Haematology – 6 months
  3. Laboratory Haematology and Transfusion – 3 to 6 months
  4. Paediatric Haematology - 6 months
  5. Specialist Lymphoid and Specialist Myeloid Haematology - 6 months


Clinical duties throughout the rotations

There will be minor variations in different posts in different hospitals but this list is aimed at covering the majority of duties:

  1. Supervise, monitor and assist the Foundation trainees in the day-to-day management of inpatients in posts with a foundation trainee
  2. Liaise between nurses, F1, F2, patients, relatives and senior medical staff.
  3. Attend and participate in ward rounds as timetabled.
  4. Attend outpatient clinics.
  5. Take part in rostered emergency work.
  6. Dictate discharge summaries.
  7. Study for higher examination and maintain continued professional development.
  8. Attend weekly educational and multidisciplinary sessions.
  9. Undertake audit at various times throughout the rotations.
  10. Teach medical students as directed.
  11. Co-operate with members of the personnel department when monitoring hours of work and other personnel issues.
  12. Attend induction in each hospital or new department.
  13. Comply with all local policies including dress code, annual and study leave.


Study and Training

The Deanery is committed to developing postgraduate training programmes as laid down by PMETB, Colleges and Faculties and by the Postgraduate Dean’s Network. At local level, college / specialty tutors work with the Director or Postgraduate Education in supervising these programmes. Trainees will be expected to take part in these programmes (including audit) and to attend counselling sessions / professional review. Study leave will form part of these education programmes and will be arranged in conjunction with the appropriate tutor.


All posts are recognised for postgraduate training.


Study leave is granted in accordance with Deanery policy and is subject to the maintenance of the service.


Main Conditions of Service

The posts are whole-time and the appointments are subject to:

  1. The Terms and Conditions of Service for Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (England and Wales)
  2. The Gold Guide
  3. Satisfactory registration with the General Medical Council (London)
  4. Medical Fitness – You may be required to undergo a medical examination and chest x-ray.


Potential applicants should be aware of the Department of Health and GMC requirements with regards to HIV / AIDS and Hepatitis viruses. Candidates must be immune to Hepatitis B. You will be required to provide, in advance of appointment, evidence of immunity or have a local blood test (as deemed necessary by the Occupational Health Department).





E - Essential
A - Advised

Course ST3 ST4 ST5 ST6 ST7
Transfusion course E        
MRCPath course, B'ham Day 1-3   A      
GCP training E        
Basic St Mary's Morphology E        
Intermediate Transfusion   E E    
Coagulation Course     E E  
St May's Haemoglobinopathy and advanced morphology     E E  
MRCPath course, B'ham Day 4-5     A A  
Management/Leadership         E
Communication Skills         E
Teaching skills         A





North Western


Training Programme Director

Dr Harriett Lucero

Email: Harriet.lucero@nca.nhs.uk

Manchester Royal Infirmary


Programme Description

This is a run through training programme starting after the completion of Core Medical Training at ST3 level aimed at doctors who can demonstrate the essential competencies from the person specification to enter this level of training. The programme is designed to provide the opportunities for the postholder to achieve the Level 2 medical competencies as described in the Generic Curriculum for the Medical Specialties and the competencies described in the Haematology specialty curriculum.


It will be necessary throughout specialty training to demonstrate satisfactory progress in workplace assessments of competence when these are reviewed at the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP). The milestones to be achieved are described in latest version of the specialty specific ARCP decision aid on the JRCPTB website.


The haematology training programme includes all the hospitals listed below. All the ST3–ST7 placements will be allocated by the specialty programme director on behalf of the School of Pathology.


The programme is based in the following hospitals in Health Education England – working across the North West:

    • Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
    • Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
    • Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
    • Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
    • Manchester Blood Transfusion Service
    • The Christie NHS Foundation Trust


    Clinical duties throughout the rotations

    There will be minor variations in different posts in different hospitals but this list is aimed at covering the majority of duties:

    1. Supervise, monitor and assist the Foundation and Core Medical trainees in the day-to-day management of inpatients
    2. Liaise between nurses, junior doctors, relatives and senior medical staff
    3. Attend and participate in ward rounds as timetabled
    4. Attend outpatient clinics
    5. Study for higher examination and maintain continued professional development
    6. Attend educational and multidisciplinary sessions
    7. Undertake audit and quality improvement projects at various times throughout the rotations
    8. Teach medical students and junior doctors as directed
    9. Co-operate with members of the personnel department when monitoring hours of work and other personnel issues
    10. Attend induction in each hospital or new department
    11. Comply with all local policies including dress code, annual and study leave


    Study and Training

    Health Education England – working across the North West is committed to developing postgraduate training programmes as laid down by PMETB, Colleges and Faculties and by the Postgraduate Dean’s Network. At local level, college/specialty tutors work with the Director of Postgraduate Education in supervising these programmes. Trainees will be expected to take part in these programmes (including audit/QIP) and to attend counselling sessions/professional review. Study leave will form part of these education programmes and will be arranged in conjunction with the appropriate tutor.


    All posts are recognised for postgraduate training.


    There is a program of formal monthly ST haematology teaching which includes the annual post ASH update meeting in Manchester, the biannual regional North West Update Haematology meeting and biannual North West Transfusion update meeting alongside locally arranged meetings and local hospital lead teaching. The attendance at these monthly sessions is compulsory unless you have prearranged leave, and you will be released from all clinical duties to attend. Alongside this hospitals run local teaching sessions and attendance at these along with MDT meetings is actively encouraged.


    Study leave to attend other courses/conferences is encouraged and is granted in accordance with HEE policy and is subject to the maintenance of the service.


    Research is actively encouraged within haematology and many trainees take time out of program to undertake form MSC and PhD qualifications.


    Main Conditions of Service

    The posts are whole-time and the appointments are subject to:-

    1. The Terms and Conditions of Service for Hospital Medical and Dental Staff (England and Wales)
    2. The Gold Guide
    3. Satisfactory registration with the General Medical Council (London)
    4. Medical Fitness –you may be required to undergo a medical examination and chest x-ray.


    Potential applicants should be aware of the Department of Health and GMC requirements with regards to HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis viruses. Candidates must be immune to Hepatitis B. You will be required to provide, in advance of appointment, evidence of immunity or have a local blood test (as deemed necessary by the Occupational Health Department).


    Person Specification

    For a detailed person specification for these posts see the HEE website at: specialtytraining.hee.nhs.uk/Recruitment/Person-specifications



    Course ST3 ST4 ST5 ST6 ST7
    Essential Transfusion E        
    GCP training E        
    Basic St Mary's Morphology A        
    MRCPath part 1 course   A      
    Intermediate Transfusion   A A    
    Teaching PGCert – Edge Hill   E E    
    St May's Haemoglobinopathy and advanced morphology     E E  
    MRCPath part 2 revision       A A
    Management/Leadership         E


    E - Essential
    A - Advised


    STC Chair

    Dr Rachel Brown

    The Christie Wilmslow Rd Manchester M20 4BX


    STC Members

    Role Name Email Address
    Chair Dr Rachel Brown rachel.brown2@cmft.nhs.uk
    Royal Oldham Hospital Dr Antonina Zhelyazkova antonina.zhelyazkova@pat.nhs.uk
    Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust representatives

    Dr Martin Scott


    Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and Paediatrics representative Dr John Grainger john.grainger@cmft.nhs.uk
    Blackpool NHS Foundation Trust representative Dr Paul Cahalin dr.cahalin@nhs.net
    Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust representative Dr Harriet Lucero


    The Christie NHS Foundation Trust representative Dr Richard Chasty richard.chasty@christie.nhs.uk
    NHSBT Representative Dr Jayne Peters jayne.peters@mft.nhs.uk
    Trainee Representatives 

    Dr Margarita Triantafillou

    Dr Jenny Darlow