General (internal) medicine - Mersey


Training Programme Director

Dr Aravind Ponnuswamy - Consultant Respiratory Physician

Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Countess of Chester Health Park
Liverpool Road



Dear Trainees,

Welcome to the GIM training programme. The JRPCTB expects a satisfactory completion of GIM training alongside specialities. It is recognised that some placements may not have GIM on call or a GIM bed base. Please ensure that your GIM portfolio is in line with fulfilling the requirements for each stage by carefully planning your assessments during this period where you have GIM commitments.



  • The GIM portfolio will be reviewed on an annual basis at ST4, ST6 and ST7 with respect to the 3 stages of GIM training (JRCPTB GIM decision aid version 2012). The dates for GIM ARCP will be between late April and May with  Panel B ARCP in early June (for those who have failed their ARCP) I have created  ARCP checklist for stage 1 ARCP (ST3 ST4 years) and Stage 2 ARCP (ST5 and ST6 years) for some cross reference.
  • There will be only one window for ARCPs. There will be an interim review of your portfolio before your ARCP (usually in April) Please get your Portfolios ready by End of March if you wish your portfolio to be reviewed by myself .This  hopefully will support you to  address any outstanding areas in your portfolio. The decision aid for GIM is available by clicking the GIM decision aid button which can be found at the top of your GIM curriculum on your portfolio.
  • Could you please ensure that you have had an up-to-date GIM specific educational supervisory report in well ahead of your actual GIM ARCP date (This is now an absolute requirements since Nov 2018) and a minimum of 4 GIM MCRs preferably done by your GIM consultants whom you are on call with or Acute Physicians.
  • May I suggest that you produce a folder named ARCP_YEAR, in your personal library which contain the following key documents
    • Summary of training calculator with  three spreadsheets to enlist  evidence of your GIM outpatient activity (you are aiming to complete 186 clinics by the end of your CCT date); on-call activity (aiming for 1000 patients on an unselected take, again by your CCT date).
    • Regional GIM teaching attendance record/ External GIM including any other external GIM courses conferences and uploading certificates of attendance.
    • Up-to-date Form R
    • Valid ALS certificate
  • JRPCTB currently has a target of 10 work-based assessments per level or stage of GIM training (1, 2 and 3) of which 6 should be GIM -ACATS
  • All curriculum competencies (common, Emergency, Top and Other) require at least 2 pieces of evidence linked and suitable signed off as stage 1 stage 2 or CCT level after self-signing this yourself.
  • Please note that only one GIM closed loop or GIM QUIPP is required before end of training. (this cannot be related to your speciality and service reviews may not be acceptable as GIM audits)


The Penultimate Year Assessment PYA is expected to be organised in the last 18 months of your training. At this review an External Assessor will review your training and ensure this is in line with the JRPCTB requirements. A GIM PYA presentation is required and a template is available on the link below.  Since the pandemic this process is under review and THE SAC is publishing new forms in the form of PYR .Please see JRPCTB website for further information.

Teaching days

Following recent pandemic, the GIM training days have undergone some changes, and these have been now become 10 virtual half training days via Zoom combined with the NW deanery. These dates will be available on the HEE website.

HEE contacts

Liz Housby is currently your contact at HEE North West, Mersey for GIM.  Email:

Rebecca Kenyon deals with ARCP/ PYA queries at HEE North West. Email:


Best wishes


Training Programme Director-General Int Medicine, Mersey Deanery, Health Education England, North West
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Clinical Teacher, School of Medicine, University of Liverpool
Consultant Physician GIM and Respiratory Medicine
Countess of Chester Hospital NHS FT