Welcome to the North West School of Medical Specialties
The School of Medicine comprises of Internal Medicine Training (from August 2019 - previously Core Medical Training) plus specialty training delivered through 28 sub-specialty programmes.
Please see each specialty page to obtain further information (links to the individual specialty pages can be accessed through the menu on the right of this page). The table below includes key contacts at HEE. Training Programme Directors contact details are listed on each of the specialty pages.
If you have a generic query please email england.medicine.nw@nhs.net
Head of the School of Medicine
Name | Contact |
Dr Raj Parikh | raj.parikh@nca.nhs.uk |
Postgraduate Associate Dean
Name | Contact |
Professor Simon Carley | Simon.Carley@hee.nhs.uk |
School of Medicine Trainee Representatives
Name | Contact | Documents |
Dr Mujtaba Hasnain | mujtaba.hasnain@gmail.com |
Dr Ayodele Sasegbon | asasegbon@nhs.net |
HEE North West Lead Employer
Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust | |
Website | www.sharedservices.sthk.nhs.uk |
HR Helpdesk |
Emaill: lead.employer@sthk.nhs.uk Tel: 0151 478 7777
Trainees are advised to put their speciality and nature of query into the subject header so that the query can be directed to one of the following teams: Pay and Work schedules, Rotations and contracts, Onboarding, Absence support, Case Management |
HEE North West School of Medicine Training Programme Management Team
Specialty | Programme Support Manager | Programme Support Coordinatator | Programme Support Officer / Administrator | Telephone |
Acute internal medicine | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca Kenyon | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9706 |
Allergy medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9549 |
Audio vestibular medicine | Mandy Taylor | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Cardiology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Clinical genetics | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Clinical neurophysiology | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca Kenyon | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9706 |
Clinical oncology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics | Mandy Taylor | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Dermatology | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca.Kenyon | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9706 |
Endocrinology and diabetes mellitus | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Debbie Grove | 0161 268 9549 |
Gastroenterology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Debbie Grove | 0161 268 9549 |
Geriatric medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9549 |
Genito-urinary medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9549 |
Haematology | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca Kenyon | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9706 |
Immunology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9549 |
Infectious diseases / Combined infection training / Tropical medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | TBC | 0161 268 9549 |
Intenal medicine training (IMT) North West | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca Kenyon | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9706 |
Intenal medicine training (IMT) Mersey | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca Kenyon | Nicola Moffitt | 0151 479 2576 |
Medical oncology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Medical Ophthalmology | Mandy Taylor | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9706 | |
Neurology | Mandy Taylor | Debbie Grove | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9706 |
Nuclear medicine | Please contact the School of Radiology | |||
Occupational medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Barbara Coe | 0161 268 9549 |
Paediatric cardiology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | TBC | 0161 268 9549 |
Palliative medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
Rehabilitation medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Debbie Grove | 0161 268 9549 |
Renal medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Debbie Grove | 0161 268 9549 |
Respiratory medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Debbie Grove | 0161 268 9549 |
Rheumatology | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Debbie Grove | 0161 268 9549 |
Sports and exercise medicine | Mandy Taylor | Rebecca Kenyon | TBC | 0161 268 9706 |
Stroke medicine | Laura Griffiths | Liz Housby | Tazeem Akhtar | 0161 268 9549 |
General (Internal) Medicine - Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria | Laura Griffiths | Rebecca Kenyon | Rebecca Kenyon | 0161 268 9664 |
General (Internal) Medicine - Cheshire and Merseyside | Laura Griffiths | Rebecca Kenyon | Rebecca Kenyon | 0161 268 9664 |
Joint Royal College of Physicians Training Board - www.jrcptb.org.uk
National Recruitment - www.imtrecruitment.org.uk www.st3recruitment.org.uk
Local Recruitment - www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/content/welcome-recruitment-north-western-deanery
GMC - www.gmc-uk.org
ePortfolios (medicine e-portfolio) - www.nhseportfolios.org/Anon/Login/Login.aspx
Return to Training
Many trainees take a period of absence from training for a number of reasons. This can include parental leave, OOP and sickness. Returning to training after a period of absence can be a daunting and difficult time for trainees. Time out of clinical practice can impact on a clinician’s confidence and skills whatever stage of training they may be at.
SuppoRTT is a national programme designed to improve the return to training experience for all trainees who have been out of training for 3 months or more.
The School process is no longer in operation and the SuppoRTT process applies. Please follow the process and guidance as per the following - https://nwpgmd.nhs.uk/supported-return-to-training
HEE North West Links
Study Leave | Email: england.studyleave.nw@nhs.net
Out of Programme (OOP) information
Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training
Revalidation | Form R | Email: england.revalidation.nw@nhs.net
Leadership courses (Medical Leadership Fellowships, Postgraduate Module in Medical Leadership)
Education courses (PG Certificate in Workplace Based Postgraduate Medical Education Fellowship) | Email: england.facultydevelopment.nw@nhs.net