Dermatology - Mersey


Training Programme Director

Dr Lucy Stewart

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The Mersey Deanery dermatology rotation is a well-established programme offering comprehensive training in all aspects of dermatology.


The rotation is based at the Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust but trainees rotate to other hospitals within the region including,Broadgreen Hospital, Royal Liverpool Hospital and Aintree Hospital. 


Each post is of 6 months duration and during the 4 year training period experience is gained in general dermatology, paediatric dermatology, dermatological surgery, contact dermatitis and phototherapy. Specialist experience is also provided in therapeutics, hyperhidrosis and vulval disease.


Hospitals in the rotation

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust

Dermatology is a separate Directorate in the Trust. The Dermatology Unit is based in a purpose built unit at Broadgreen Hospital comprising a dedicated suite of outpatient consulting rooms, 3 operating theatres, dressing rooms, a phototherapy unit and a patch test clinic. There is a dedicated dermatology ward (Ward 4) with 8 beds.  There are 10 minor surgery lists weekly. There are 13 consultants and 6 specialist nurses.


ST post graduate doctors in training are expected to participate in 5-6 outpatient clinics per week. This may include sub-specialty clinics including phototherapy, vulval dermatology and immunocompromised skin (Transplant and HIV) and the patch test clinic from list of rooms or rapid access skin cancer clinics. There is one minor surgery session per week. Special clinics in psoriasis, hyperhidrosis, vulval dermatology, HIV dermatology and immunosuppressive therapy are also undertaken. ST trainees are also responsible for supervising the Core Medical Trainee and assisting in the management of in-patients. This covers emergency calls from General Practitioners and the Trust. Patients with dermatological problems are also seen on outlying wards at the request of the appropriate specialities.


Alder Hey Childrens Hospital

There are 5 Consultant – led Dermatology Clinics which include 2 Associate Specialist, 4 Dermatology specialist nurses and 1 Clinical Assistant sessions. There are a total of 12,400 patients seen annually.

In addition to consultant clinics there are nurse led dressing clinics, wart clinics (cantharone and swift microwave therapy), phototherapy (nbUVB and hand and foot PUVA) and iontophoresis

The ST trainees rotate to Alder Hey for periods of 6 months at a time during their training. Duties include Paediatric Dermatology clinics and surgical lists, attendance at the Consultant-led ward rounds and ward referrals.


Countess of Chester NHS Trust

The Dermatology department consists of 4 consultants, 2 specialist registrars, a clinical assistant, two specialist nurses and a pharmacist.  All aspects of general dermatology are covered including phototherapy, patch testing, specialist paediatric dermatology clinics, leg ulcer clinics and biologics/systemic therapy clinic, nail and vulval clinics. The department has two minor operations theatres, inpatients are based at Clatterbridge hospital Wirral. The department also works closely with plastic surgeons and maxillofacial surgeons who regularly attend skin cancer MDT. A well-equipped post-graduate centre and library is sited adjacent to the General Wing on the Countess of Chester Hospital site.


St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

The Dermatology department is based at St. Helens Hospital and covers four sites: St. Helens, Whiston, Newton and Halton hospitals. Our busy department sees 8,200 new and 19,000 review patients annually, managing general adult and paediatric dermatology cases. We have a close working relationship with the plastic surgeons and see a high number of skin cancer referrals. This service hosts the plastics led regional Mohs surgery service. Melanoma patients are offered sentinel lymph node biopsy and enrolled into National clinical trials where appropriate.


Presently the team comprises 10 Consultant Dermatologists (8.375 WTE). The consultants are supported by 2 specialist registrars, 1 clinical assistant, and three Dermatology Nurse Specialists.


Our facilities comprise outpatient clinics held over four sites, three skin surgery theatres, TL01 and PUVA Phototherapy facilities, a patch testing service and nurse-led Photodynamic therapy, Doppler and Blood Monitoring clinics. We hold specialist multidisciplinary skin cancer, Paediatric, Vulval, HIV and Biologics clinics.


Once weekly we attend the Regional Dermatology Grand Round at Broadgreen Hospital. The specialist registrar currently attends clinics at St Helens and Whiston Hospitals and does 5-6 clinics per week and a skin surgery session per week. There is no on- call commitment.


Wirral Hospitals NHS Trust

The unit comprises a 2-storey unit at the Clatterbridge Hospital. The outpatient suite houses consulting rooms, 2 operating theatres (and a small procedure room). In addition to general dermatology clinics, there are ‘2 week cancer clinics’, a patch test clinic and a monthly cutaneous oncology clinic held jointly with a radiotherapist/maxillo-facial surgeon/oculo-plastic surgeon. There are lamps providing a PDT service. There are also nurse-led cosmetic camouflage and iontophoresis clinics. 

Additionally, there is a day care unit that provides daily outpatient treatment, a phototherapy unit and inpatient facilities that include 6 bedded ward (ward opens Monday-Friday with day care service over the weekend).


ST trainees will rotate to Clatterbridge for a 6 month period. Their duties include 4 general dermatology (and sit in weekly patch test and monthly participation of the Joint Cutaneous Oncology clinic). One Minor skin operation list, ward round and ward consults and MDT attendance.