Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)
An ARCP (Annual Review of Competence Progression) will take place for all Postgraduate Doctors in Training (including LTFT doctors in training) at least once per calendar year. For most doctors in training this will take place in June/July. However, some doctors in training may have their ARCP in December/January. Ad-hoc ARCPs may take place at other times of the year as required. The ARCP outcome will be decided at an ARCP assessment panel at which the doctor in training will not be present. Therefore, all evidence must be on your JRCPTB ePortfolio before the date of the ARCP assessment panel. The Training Programme Director (TPD) may ask that evidence is ready 2 weeks in advance of the ARCP assessment panel.
Doctors in training will not normally attend the ARCP assessment panel, however the TPD may ask you to attend for an Educational Meeting which will take place after the Panel have decided the ARCP outcome. Doctors in training issued an unsatisfactory outcome (Outcome 2, 3, or 4) must attend the ARCP feedback panel to discuss the outcome and objectives for the next period of training.
Please click here to download the sports and exercise medicine ARCP Requirements
For a full guide of the standard HEE North West process for ARCPs please visit our policies and procedures page:
Dates of Next Assessments
VENUE: Virtual via MS Teams
Ad-hoc ARCPs and Interims Reviews for individual doctors in training may take place on other dates, affected trainees will be notified by email.
Please note that the above dates are subject to change; if there are any amendments these will be reflected on the website as soon as possible.
Form R
The GMC requires that an up-to-date Form R Part B must be submitted within 12 weeks of all ARCPs (a Form R is not required for an Interim Progress Review). We also ask that a Form R Part A is submitted once per year, usually at the time of the ARCP. The Form R should be submitted via the Trainee Self Service system (TSS).
HEE North West Visitor Information
Click here for Visitor Information for our Liverpool office (Regatta Place)
Click here for Visitor Information for our Manchester office (Three Piccadilly Place)