North West Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery
Cheshire and Merseyside
Information on this page relates to the West Sector of NHS England – North West (Cheshire and Merseyside).
Key Contacts
Mrs Jo Banks,
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Training Programme Director
for Cheshire and Merseyside
Based at Aintree University Hospital
Training Rotation
The West Sector rotation covers Liverpool and neighbouring areas of Cheshire. It incorporates both university and regional hospitals in addition to a major trauma centre. All hospitals are conveniently located and easily accessed from a single base. There is a wealth of high calibre educators who provide excellent clinical training which builds on the rich orthopaedic heritage within the region.
Educational Opportunities
Trainees rotate through 6 monthly placements that cover hand/wrist, shoulder/elbow, foot/ankle, lower limb arthroplasty, spine and paediatric orthopaedics. This provides a foundation and enables trainees to attain the necessary core skills in trauma and orthopaedic surgery. In the latter years training is focused on developing speciality skills in anticipation of independent practice.
Research and Audit
Trainees are required to participate in research, audit and service evaluation regularly during the program. There are a number of enthusiastic consultants that ably support trainees with research projects, the best being showcased annually at the registrars day conference.
Leadership and Management
Trainees are encouraged to become involved in leadership and management roles throughout their training. There is also a formal course in clinical leadership and management that trainees then undertake during their final year.
Teaching and Education
There is a weekly teaching program that runs within the region on a Friday afternoon. The teaching sessions are themed into speciality blocks and are delivered by consultants with expertise in the relevant areas. The program incorporates a mixture of lecture based teaching and clinical examination practice with the ultimate aim of ensuring success at the FRCS trauma and orthopaedic examination.
Health Careers - Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery - Specialty Registrar “Real-life Story”
Health Careers - Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery - Working Life
“How competitive is entry into Orthopaedic Training?”
The British Orthopaedic Association
Mersey Orthopedic Trainees Association (West Sector Trainee Website)
Hospitals on the Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery East Sector Rotation
GMC Programme Code: NWE1126 (was MER960) and NWE1162 (run-through - was MER4216)
Page Last Updated 1 February 2023