Medical Leadership

Evidence Framework for Educators and Appraisers

Both the GMC and the AoME have described generic evidence that can be presented to demonstrate on-going development and standards as a trainer.  HEE (NW) has also produced further guidance which details slightly more specific ideas for the types of evidence you may collect. 

Career Planning Support During Foundation Years

By Christmas of your Foundation Year 2 you will be applying for your specialty training. So, by that stage you need to know which specialty you wish to enter, plus have a plan B in case your first choice doesn’t work out.

To assist with the career planning process HEE (NW) makes available supporting material & provides access to careers advisers who will work in conjunction with your educational supervisor, clinical tutors and postgrad education centre staff to support you during your Foundation years.

This flyer details what is on offer.

General Practice 2016 Photo Challenge

The GP 2016 photo challenge took place to help illustrate general practice (who works in the team, the patients that visit the surgery and the role in the community) and came together to create an otherwise unseen snapshot of working life in 2016, capturing the realities rewards and emotions of a typical day in general practice.


17th Ottowa Conference Report

Dr Jane Mamelok, Deputy Dean for Primary Medical Care and Public Health, attended and presented at the 17th Ottawa Conference on 19th - 23rd March 2016 in Perth, Western Australia.  


This report lays out the key learning from the event. 

FAQs: Recognition of Trainers in the North West

The GMC’s deadline for the recognition of trainers is fast approaching. Whilst some LEPs have the majority, or in some cases all trainers fully recognised, some organisations still have a great deal of work to do. 

Following a number of recent queries regarding the recoginition of trainers, HEE (NW) have produced these FAQs.

Trainer Standards Update

The GMC released their implementation plan for the recognition and approval of trainers in August 2012, which requires LETBs (i.e. HENW) as Learning Organisations to formally recognise trainers in their roles as Clinical and/or Educational Supervisors.  Following the integration of the Mersey and North Western deaneries one framework for the recognition of trainers will apply across HENW to ensure that the GMC standards are fully met by the July 2016 deadline.

6th Annual North West Medical Leadership Conference (2016)

On Friday 4th March 2016 the 6th Annual North West Medical Leadership conference took place at the Macron Stadium in snowy Bolton.  Resources from the day include the brochure, videos of the speakers and presentations from the workshops.  


Professor Jacky Hayden

Dean of Postgraduate Medical Studies, Health Education England (North West)

Brigadier Kevin Beaton

Board Member, NHS Staff College

Professor Elaine Fox

Current background and theories around resilience - Dr Rebecca Baron

Dr Rebecca Baron, Associate Postgraduate Dean for GP at Health Education England (North West Office) presented an overview of current background and theories around resilience and ideas of how to improve your own resilience.  This was recorded at the North West Medical Leadership School meeting in December 2015
