Medical Leadership

Faculty Development Educational Resources for Clinical Teachers

The Multiprofessional Faculty Development Unit within Health Education England  (London and South East) have produced a range of targeted faculty development educational resources for clinical teachers, which are available to other regions within HEE. 

There are some excellent resources including a series of open access short modules on the following core topics (plus others):

Fair Training Pathways for All: Understanding Experiences of Progression (Final Report)

This project was part of a programme of research commissioned by the General Medical Council (GMC) to explore why UK doctors from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups, and doctors whose Primary Medical Qualification (PMQ) is from a medical school outside of the UK have, on average, poorer outcomes in assessments and recruitment compared to white doctors and UK medical school graduates.

Doctors in Difficulty - Getting it Right

This event was held on Thursday 2nd February 2017 at the Mercure Norton Grange Hotel. The objectives of this event were to enable delegates to fully understand the contribution that HR and OH make to managing trainees with problems, gain more confidence in managing difficult conversations with trainees and fully understand the nature of doctors in difficulty during training and have a structured approach to managing them.

Education Development (Autumn 2016 Issue)

Welcome to the third issue of Education Development, a newsletter update of workstreams, activities and events of the Education Development team at Health Education England’s North West Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education department.

This edition says a fond farewell to Professor Jacky Hayden who led the department for 20 years, and hello to the new Dean, Dr Jane Mamelok, who many of you will know from her various roles throughout her years here and most recently as Deputy Dean Primary Medical Care and Public Health.

Skills for communicating with Patients

This book is vital for health service managers and clinicians, in both purchaser and provider organizations, in community and hospital settings. It helps the reader understand the principles and purposes of casemix and provides practical examples of using casemix groupings to manage services better. Its lessons are not just for acute services, but provide a way of understanding the complete spectrum of services required for a wide range of conditions, from individuals at risk to those with irreversible and progressive disease.

Field guide to the difficult patient interview

Written by FW Platt and G Gordon; physicians skilled at coaching colleagues in physician-patient communication, this pocket guide presents practical strategies for handling a wide variety of difficult patient interviews. Each chapter presents a hypothetical scenario, describes effective communication techniques for each phase of the interaction, and identifies pitfalls to avoid. The presentation includes examples of physician-patient dialogue, illustrations showing body language, and key references.
