Craig Barclay

Associate Dean - Dentistry

I was appointed to the part-time post of Associate Postgraduate Dean for Specialist Training in June 2006. Prior to this, I had been involved in postgraduate dental deanery for several years, primarily through my role a dental tutor running the AURC course for general dental practitioners in Mandec on a Tuesday evening.

My role in dentistry is to co-ordinate dental training for all members of the dental team from the time of qualification to the day they retire. This particularly involves for the dental surgeon, after completion of vocational training, the management of Senior House Officer posts, soon to become Dental Foundation 2 posts, through to specialist training posts in all dental specialities.

There are five key areas:

  • Infrastructure (including the development of STC Chairs)
  • Selection and recruitment
  • Assessment/appraisal
  • Formal education programmes
  • Workforce planning.

Trainees are involved through representation on the training committees and on ad hoc working groups.

In my other job I work as a consultant in Restorative Dentistry based between the Manchester Dental Hospital, Manchester Royal Infirmary and the Christie Hospital. My major remit is the dental management and oral rehabilitation of the head and neck cancer patient, but my other interest is in the placement and restoration of dental implants. I am an exit examiner for the IFSE examination in Restorative dentistry as well as being a MRD examiner (Edinburgh) and MFDS examiner (Glasgow). I also sit on the Education Committee of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.