The GMC requires Health Education England to have a system for the use of external advisers and Lay Representatives at key stages of training.
All of our Lay representatives are suitably trained including Equality and Diversity, Information Governance and Fitness to Practice. This training is refreshed every three years.
It is the role of our Lay Representatives to represent public interest, provide impartial advice, scrutinise policy and process and apply their own expertise.
We have a pool of 45 Lay Representatives for Health Education England (working across the North West) who play an integral part in our quality assurance process. The Lay Representative will sit on ARCP Panels, attend Hospital Monitoring Visits, Recruitment events and Educator interviews.
Our Lay representatives are encouraged to be proactive and play an active role in the above events. Following their attendance they will provide feedback on our processes via our online report tool. The report will then be shared with the relevant HEE personnel, departments and Medical Leads to improve our policies and processes.
This protocol sets out the role of the Lay Member in connection with ARCP panels. The protocol is designed to be compatible with the more detailed information on the ARCP process provided in the Gold Guide and the Health Education England (working across the North West) ARCP protocol.
ARCP Panel Objectives:
Lay representation should be arranged for 10% of ARCP panel As and 100% of ARCP panel Bs within each specialty school. This will be co-ordinated centrally by the HEE (working across the North West) contact point:
Lay members should adopt the following practice at ARCP panels: