Welcome to the North West School of Radiology
The North West School of Radiology is a specialty school of postgraduate medicine based in the North West of England.
The purpose of the North West School of Radiology is to plan and deliver a course of study for specialist registrars and specialist trainees in preparation for the examinations of the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR). It offers educational advice in the workplace and is often called upon to provide guidance and direction in training matters.
The training period consists of 5 years with years 1-3 spend in core training and years 4 and 5 in subspecialty/ higher training. An additional 12 months of training is added for Interventional & Neuro Interventional Radiology.
ST1 training will include a 4 month teaching block rotation at the North West Radiology Academy.
Further information regarding the North West School of Radiology can be accessed by the following link:
Key Contacts
Dr Fiona Clarke,
Associate Dean for Radiology
Based at HEE's North West Office, Regatta Place
Email: fiona.clarke34@nhs.net
Dr Dhivya Paravasthu,
Head of School of Radiology
Based at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals
Email: dhivya.paravasthu@nhs.net
TPD for ST3-ST4 & Rotations/Educational supervision lead
Email: TBC
Dr Vamsi Rachapalli,
TPD for ST4 – ST5 and Management & Leadership
North West School of Radiology Training Programme Management Team
All general enquiries relating to education/training should be directed to england.radiology.nw@nhs.net
All teaching and Academy enquiries should be directed to england.radiologyacademy.nw@nhs.net
Programme Support Business Manager
Kaleigh Fennah
Email: kaleigh.fennah@nhs.net
Tel: 0151 479 2505
Programme Support Officers
Teresa Guy - Tel: 0151 479 2568
Samantha Truesdale - Tel: 0151 479 2534
All trainees in the North West are employed by a single 'Lead Employer', Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (formerly known as St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust). For any HR or payroll enquiries please contact the lead Employer team.
Lead Employer Team
Website: leademployer.merseywestlancs.nhs.uk/
Email: lead.employer@sthk.nhs.uk
Tel: 0151 478 7777
Lead Employer Payroll Team
Email: leademployerpayroll@sthk.nhs.uk
Tel: 0151 290 4658
Useful Contacts
SuppoRTT Champion - Vamsi Rachapalli - vamsidhar.rachapalli@sthk.nhs.uk
Please note applications for LTFT need to go to Dr Sara Meredith: sara.meredith@nhs.net and Dr Debra Harris: debra.harris@mft.nhs.uk
RCR and RISR Registration
All Radiology trainees must register with the Royal College of Radiologists (RCR), and obtain a RISR ePortfolio. This must detail all placements, supervisors and WPBAs as detailed against the RCR curriculums. All contact and guidance information can be found:
North West School of Radiology Study Leave Policy
Clinical radiology ARCP decision aid and progression grids (Curriculum 2021)
ARCP decision Aids: clinical and interventional radiology (COVID 19)
North West School of Radiology - Pathway for Educational Supervision
NHS England – North West Links
SuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)
Study Leave | Email: england.studyleave.nw@nhs.net
Out of Programme (OOP) information
Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training | Email: england.ltft.nw@nhs.net
Revalidation | Form R | Email: england.revalidation.nw@nhs.net
Leadership courses (Medical Leadership Fellowships, Postgraduate Module in Medical Leadership)
Education courses (PG Certificate in Workplace Based Postgraduate Medical Education Fellowship) | Email: england.facultydevelopment.nw@nhs.net
Careers advice | england.careers.nw@nhs.net
Page Last Updated 17 April 2024