Lead Employer

NHS England North West has a lead employer who employs medical and dental trainees across Greater Manchester, Cumbria & Lancashire and Cheshire & Merseyside. Services provided by the lead employer include recruitment, payroll, employment, Occupational Health and other HR services.

NW Lead Employer Contact details

Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Website: https://leademployer.merseywestlancs.nhs.uk/

General e-mail enquiries: lead.employer@sthk.nhs.uk


Salary Scale / Basic Pay Refer to latest NHS Employers' M&D Pay Circular
Other Policies & Guidance Click here for Lead Employer policies.

Click here for NHSE NW policies including link to Junior Doctors’ Terms & Conditions of Service.

BMA Code of Practice
Please note that in line with National changes there may be changes to Terms and Conditions, Hours of Work and National Salary Scales with these currently being scheduled to take effect from August 2016. Please also note that your Lead Employer who will communicate with you as this is required. Further information can also be obtained from the NHS Employer and BMA websites.