Examples of future careers which use your experience and knowledge can be found here.
Health Careers Website - A careers resource for doctors involved in the process of choosing a specialty. Includes sections on understanding yourself, exploring your options and details about each specialty. The website also has a selection of medical careers videos and audio podcasts.
Specialty Training - Information about Specialty Training. Includes details of core and specialty training options, application procedures, person specifications, competition ratios and links to recruitment pages.
Specialty Spotlights - The RCP have produced a series of 30 videos on all areas of medicine. These videos have consultants and trainees talking about why they entered that branch of medicine and tips and hints on preparing for selectione.
UKFPO - The website has a selection of case studies written by Foundation Doctors on topics including using the medical careers website and experiencing tasters. Click here to read the case studies.
Doctors.Net - Information about job opportunities and other services.
We have produced a leaflet on doctors considering leaving medicine with links to lots of further resources.