Medical Microbiology & Virology
Health Education North West (HENW) offers a wide range of experience to train Medical Microbiology trainees to the standard required for the Part 1 & Part 2 FRCPath examinations.
Medical Microbiology has recently mapped out the curriculum to highlight the delivery of training at each of the Trusts noted below.
The Curriculum Map can be viewed here
Please see the School of Pathology homepage for the Training Programme Director's contact information.
Programme Overview Mersey
It is mandatory for all trainees to attend an induction course at each training site. This will be organised by the educational supervisor and will include key local information. Part of the induction will include attendance at the local Trust’s induction and other content will be tailored to the individual trainee’s needs.
Each site has an educational supervisor.
Individual appraisal will be held in protected time at least every 6 months.
For Specialist Trainees near their CCT, the appraisal will cover more aspects similar to those included in Consultant appraisal.
The appraisal will inform the educational supervisor’s report for the annual assessment.
There are two main methods for assessing trainee’s progress: College exam results and in-training assessments via ARCP process.
Trainees are expected to undertake and pass the FRCPath examination Parts 1 & 2 during their training time. Detailed information is available on College guidelines & rules for examinations on the College website
It is expected that trainees will collate and maintain their own personal training portfolio. Documentation should include records of participation in educational activities, training plans, appraisal outcomes and self-assessment.
Programme Overview North Western
The following locations are included in the North Western Deanery rotational training programme in Medical Microbiology: Blackpool Victoria Hospital, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Royal Preston Hospital, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport and University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust.
The Microbiology departments at each of these participating hospitals offer a range of general and/or specialised training through their laboratories and clinical activities. Trainees will work at five main locations during their programme and will not work at all sites. All centres provide training in laboratory techniques, clinical microbiology and infection control. In addition, trainees will be seconded for short attachments to specialist areas such as food, water and environmental microbiology, virology, genito-urinary medicine and public health medicine in order to gain exposure to the full curriculum in medical microbiology and virology.
Training in virology is mostly provided at Manchester Royal Infirmary, although some experience may also be gained at Blackpool Victoria Hospital and Royal Preston Hospital. Training in food, water and environmental microbiology is available at Royal Preston Hospital. The Regional Health Protection Agency (HPA) laboratory is based at Manchester Royal Infirmary. Rotations are designed to provide an appropriate balance of general and specialist training in medical microbiology.
Important Dates
Combined Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases STC
Date: TBC 2023
Time: 0.00 - 0.00
Venue: Virtual MS Teams
Useful Links
Last updated 24/08/2020