We strongly advise that the details around pay should be discussed with the Lead Employer prior to applying. Click here for the Lead Employer Maternity Handbook
Type of Day |
Timeline |
Reimbursment |
Where to apply (including funding) |
Important note: |
Keeping in touch (KIT) days |
available between weeks 3 up to 39 weeks of maternity leave when in receipt of statutory pay (SMP) |
A basic salary will be paid for each day worked. Time in lieu will be given if the doctor is in receipt of full or half pay at the time of the KIT day |
Return to Training Activities (RTT-A) application form |
Working part of one day counts for 1 KIT day. Doctors can take a combination of up to 10 combined KIT and / or SRTT days in total |
Shared parental leave in touch (SPLIT) days |
available in the shared parental leave period |
A basic salary will be paid for each day worked. Time in lieu will be given if the doctor is in receipt of full or half pay at the time of the SPLIT day |
Return to Training Activities (RTT-A) application form |
Working part of one day counts for 1 SPLIT day. Each parent taking shared parental leave can take a combination of up to 20 combined SPLIT and / or SRTT days in total |
Supported return to training (SRTT) days – Parental Leave (in the unpaid period) |
available in the “unpaid” period of maternity leave between weeks 39 to 52 |
A basic salary will be paid for each day worked |
Working part of one day counts for 1 SRTT day. Doctors can take a combination of up to 10 combined KIT and / or SRTT days in total |
Supported return to training (SRTT) days – Parental Leave (in the accrued annual leave period) |
available in the accrued annual leave period following parental leave |
Additional day of annual leave to be taken prior to return (this replaces the day used for the RTT activity) |
Working part of one day counts for 1 SRTT day. Doctors can take a combination of up to 10 combined KIT and / or SRTT days in total |
Supported return to training (SRTT) days – for any other reason (i.e. OOP, sick leave) |
available in the period that a doctor is out of training (not parental leave related) |
Time back in lieu on return to work |
Working part of one day counts for 1 SRTT day. Doctors can take a combination of up to 10 combined KIT and / or SRTT days in total |
Please ensure that any SRTT days to be taken in the accrued annual leave period are applied for ideally 12 weeks, and no later than 8 weeks, prior to the date of the return to training date to ensure communication of the additional days is made to the returning host organisation with sufficient notice.
This flowchart can help you to decide which type of day to apply for:
Page updated 13th January 2025