Associate Dean
Contact: E-mail: |
Jon Miles |
My clinical background is as a chest physician and I have a particular interest in asthma and pleural disease.
I am currently involved in the research strategy for the Deanery. Medical Education, particularly at a postgraduate level remains a pretty young science and it is our intention to see this progress with quality research and dissemination in educational journals.
At a practical level this involves writing and directing research protocols and membership of the Research and Development Committee which will oversee research governance issues for Greater Manchester and Cumbria + Lancs. SHAs.
I have recently completed a Masters in Medical Education. My current interest is in the evaluation of Foundation Pilots that are taking place within the Deanery.
In addition I am working closely with colleagues from the University of Manchester to assess the provision of an academic workforce within the Deanery in the future. At an administrative level I am Associate Dean with responsibilities for the A+E, Anaesthetic and ICU Specialist Training Committees. I also liaise with the Postgraduate Clinical Tutors from Hope, Wigan, Bolton and Trafford.