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Welcome from Health Education England in the North West (HEE NW)

to all trainees, trainers and visitors to the Training Support Network (TSN). 


­­­How the Training Support Network can help support you during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Training Support Network (TSN) was established to signpost trainees, and their trainers, to specialist support services.  In addition to the Directory of Services, we have summarised various aspects of support and collated useful sources of information which may help you, your families and teams during the Coronavirus pandemic. These are unprecedented times and it is important that we all take care of our wellbeing during this time. 

Many of us will be feeling anxious and stressed.  Stress is normal in this situation and is by no means a reflection that you cannot do your job or are not coping. 

Remember, you are not on your own!


Here are some tips to help:

Limit checking in with news and social media to once or twice a day.  Constant updates can contribute to stress and anxiety.

Take a break away from the clinical area.  Decompress, stop and take some deep breaths. If you can, go outside and get some natural light.  This will help your mood and sleep pattern.

Eat as healthily as you can and keep hydrated. Avoid unhelpful habits such as excess caffeine, alcohol, nicotine or drugs.

Keep communicating with family, friends and colleagues. Talk over difficult cases, and consider formal debriefs later, especially if you are feeling upset or worried. We can all support each other.

Prioritise sleep.  It is important to keep you healthy and working well.  Anxiety can make it harder to sleep, however try not to worry about this.  There are several meditation apps which can help.

Exercise is great for physical and mental health. It is one of the best ways to reduce stress.  Even a few minutes of activity can help.

Continue to make time for the things you like to do outside work.  These can be a welcome distraction and reduce stress.

Create a wellness plan.  The more prepared we can be psychologically, the more resilience we will have and then we can look after ourselves the best we can.

Building resilience and maintaining wellbeing

A number of resources are available which can be accessed on an individual basis.  These include:

  • Apps and wellbeing websites
  • Webinars
  • Psychology support
  • Wellness Plan

Apps and wellbeing websites available to boost resilience, reduce stress or improve mental health

Benefits of using Apps:

  • Many of us carry our phone with us most of the time and so have easy access to the app
  • Help to forming new habits:
  • Apps can push reminders to us so that we keep up regular practice
  • Many apps still work when they are offline or at least have an offline mode.
  • Apps often work faster than websites

Document List of Wellbeing Apps & Websites

Wellness Plan

Psychological Preparation for COVID-19 and Wellness Planning Document


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