ST3 Medical Specialties Recruitment - coordinated by the West Midlands Deanery

Welcome to ST3 Medical Specialties - coordinated by the West Midlands Deanery

The West Midlands Deanery is coordinating recruitment to the following ST3 Medical Specialties.

Number of vacancies for 2010*


Specialty & Level

Anticipated North Western Deanery Vacancies

West Midlands Deanery

ST3 Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Not applicable - the North Western Deanery does not provide training in this specialty.

ST3 Clinical Genetics


*These posts are likely to be available as of 4th August 2010 but may have later start dates.

Provisional recruitment timetable for ST3 Medical Training coordinated by West Midlands Deanery

Application window opens No current recruitment
Closing Date
Selection Centre
Offers out
Offers' Deadline


Programme Details

Programme details for the following specialties are available on the North Western Deanery's Specialty Schools website. Click on the links below to be taken to the relevant programme details.

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics - the North Western Deanery does not provide training in this specialty
Clinical Genetics - no vacancies anticipated in 2010

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