2025 - 2027 Foundation Training Programmes
Applicants should note the following:
Please use the links below to access the programme detail for each of our trusts for FP 2025-2027. The Common Abbreviations document will help identify site locations.
All posts may be subject to further service changes prior to August 2025.
All FP programmes shown below have 3 vacancies per track. On Oriel however each track will be shown as three individual vacancies labelled A,B,C, this is for the purposes of preferencing and for providing a pre-determined and final order of rotations to the trust for the three doctors matched to the programme.
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust (Royal Liverpool, Broadgreen & Aintree)
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust
Mersey & West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - Southport & Ormskirk
Mersey & West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust - St Helens and Knowsley
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Leighton Hospital)
Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust (Royal Oldham, Fairfield General, Salford Royal)
Stockport NHS Foundation Trust
Tameside & Glossop Integrated Care Foundation Trust
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
Warrington & Halton Hospitals Foundation Trust
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust
Wirral University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Payment arrangements for programmes
As with all posts and programmes, financial supplements for out of hours duties and on-call arrangements are a matter for the employing trust and as such enquiries relating to pay should be directed to the acute site. Applicants are advised to make the necessary enquiries before selecting their preferences to trust and programme through the recruitment process. NHS E is concerned with curriculum delivery - it does not (nor ever has had) any involvement in determining out of hours work and its remuneration.
Medical students/applicants applying through Oriel for a Foundation Training Programme should note the following important information regarding programmes:
Foundation Programme with Enhance
Enhance tracks have been designed to deliver NHSE’s Medical Education Reform Programme strategy for implementing generalist skills into the early years of postgraduate medical training. More information can be found here: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/our-work/enhancing-generalist-skills
Within Enhance, Foundation Doctors will spend 2-3 sessions per week in a community setting, supporting integrated hospital and community-based training, as per the aims of the MERP strategy. In those community sessions, there will be a particular focus on the health and wellbeing of deprived community, vulnerable populations and health inequalities.
Link to the NHSE Enhance handbook here: Handbook | Health Education England (hee.nhs.uk)
Foundation Priority Programme
Foundation Priority Programmes (FPP) have been developed to support specific areas of the UK that have historically found it difficult to attract and retain trainees through the foundation and specialty recruitment processes. The main aim is to maximise the opportunity for applicants who wish to be located in less popular areas and therefore improve supply for specialty training and beyond. These programmes also offer a range of incentives.
There will be 1 Foundation Priority Programme vacancies in the North West of England at Blackpool Teaching Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust.
Additional information regarding the application process can be found on the UKFPO website.
Following the 2012 Broadening the Foundation Programme Report, integrated placements are on the increase throughout the country.
There is a considerable body of literature commending longitudinal training, with evidence for better training and better clinical care. The North West of England Foundation School piloted a number of Longitudinal Integrated Foundation Training (LIFT) programmes between 2016 and 2018, which did not have traditional four-month FY2 placements in General Practice. Instead LIFT programmes had 6 four-month placements in specialities, with a longitudinal attachment to a practice. We envisaged one GP surgery per week, with two further sessions relating to the hospital speciality for that rotation which may have been in primary care – e.g. minor surgery sessions, chronic disease management clinics and so on. All our LIFT tracks were rich in clinical experience and provided the expected standard of teaching and learning, as well as clinical and educational supervision. The doctors produced have been well-versed in patient-centred practice and a full range of care pathways. These programmes were fully evaluated throughout the two year programme.
For more information on LIFT please click here
To see a summary of all the LIFT programmes that were available within the school please click here.
In the current foundation training environment the notion of trainee, trainer and patient having a symbiotic learning relationship can be easily lost. In the United States, the work of Dr David Hirsh and others has shown great value in the continuity of integrated training and the detrimental effect of compartmentalized attachments. The work of David Hirsh has been significant in the conception of the Longitudinal Integrated Foundation Training pilot set up by the North West Foundation School. As part of the induction programme to LIFT David Hirsh gave a skype presentation to the North West LIFT trainees on the background to longitudinal training and the benefits and proven value of integrated learning.
A number of guidance documents have been produced to help support Foundation Programme Directors and GP Trainers facilitate the supervision of trainees on LIFT programmes. These guidance documents can be found on the Foundation Policies and Procedures page of the website.